'BOOP', a roguelike beat em up - Dev Blog 02

hi yall 🍀

 I am currently in the seventh week of development for my beat em up game called 'BOOP' which is now also a Roguelike!

= New Features Added last 3 weeks =

  • Charging Melee Attack
  • Ground Slam Ability
  • Level Up System
    • XP Orbs
    • Upgrade System


Here are some gameplay visuals I did not manage to showcase in the previous blog :

Dodge Mechanic 

A quick short distance dash that has a 0.7s cooldown. Provide player with more movement options, allowing for additional playstyles, gameplay excitement and fluidity. 

Default Melee Attack

Short distance punch that inflicts boop charges on enemy to beat em up. When 3 total boop charges is inflicted on an enemy, said enemy will be launched back, essentially ‘dying’. 

Charging Melee Attack

Holding down attack button will start a short distance charging punch that inflict boop charges on enemy depending on how long it is charged for. Extra attack option + player can still be ready to attack even when enemies are not nearby.

Ground Slam Ability

An Area of Effect ground slam attack that requires a portion of boop meter to be used. (Cost: 1 Mana Bar)

Level Up System

Collecting enough XP will level player up, each level will grant 2 player upgrades for the player to choose from.


= User Interface Changes = 

Throughout the week, I have been redesigning the main User Interface of the player. Initially, the HP bar & Mana bar of the player is placed top right on the screen. However, after iterations of play testing and thinking, I have realised that when any UIs that are out of the focal point of the user (which the middle fish character aka the player itself), users/players will not pay attention to them, ex. not realising their HP has reached the last point etc, therefore, leading me to stick with the current new UIs positions (important information such as the HP bar & Mana bar are on top of the player).

 That is all for now,  more updates will be implemented in the coming weeks, so stay tuned! 


'BOOP' is a roguelike beat em up game where you step into the shoes (or fins) of a Reverse Mermaid that happens to be a boxer that fights Boxing Bears. 

Expect pure CHAOS as you battle not just one, but multiple Boxing Bears at once. 

In an Endless showdown against these hostile bears, not only will you be able to utilise a quick dodging ability to avoid incoming attacks,  you will also be able to utilise a variety of fighting options such as a simple one-two jab, a charging bazooka-like heavy punch and a ground slamming ability to fight back against the enemies.  

In ‘BOOP’, you will also be able to level up and upgrade your abilities by collecting XP orbs dropped by defeated enemies, allowing you to survive longer in the arena. 

So, will you Boop or be Booped? Dive into the action and prove your skills in the ring! 


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